The number of medals won by the USA in the Olympics.
For this project, I was to create an infographic with one stylized chart or graph, three vector graphics, and an attractive non-white background that added to the effectiveness of the infographic. It had to be between 550 px and 700 px wide so as to be more compatible with Pinterest.
My infographic is on the Olympics. Specifically, Olympic Medals won by the USA.
I began by doing some research and taking lots of notes.
Here is my first sketches. I was trying to figure out what kind of layout I wanted to do.
Then, I began to run some numbers trying to come up with the appropriate data.
More data, this time in digital form.
This is my second layout attempt.
Eventually I added more content than you see above thanks to some critique.
Then, I began sketching some icons.
I wanted to have an American flag in the background so I took this photo.
Here my first attempt. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the infographic below.
After lots and lots of critique, I came up with the final product that you see below. It was suggested to me to get rid of the flag in the background and to add more white space. It was also suggested that I change the color scheme and add a metal texture since this regards medals. After more feedback, I also added a drop shadow and section headings. I also fixed the logo at the bottom so that it would match the color scheme.
You can also find this infographic on my infographic Pinterest board.
Sources: I got all of the information and data from