Sand Everywhere, Don’t Care; Lifestyle Family Photos
This family portrait session was as much of a good workout as it was a good time! I don’t usually go to the sand dunes so I had forgotten how strenuous it can be to walk around a bunch of sand dunes! My pregnant, out-of-shape body was like “Whooa! Slow Down!” At the same time, my adventure seeking side was like “Lets do this!” I definitely ended the day a little sore, but it was so worth it.
The Laws Family was a blast to photograph! They had me laughing the whole time and their son has one of the cutest smiles I have ever seen! All three of them have such fun personalities. Makena and Justin came along to help me with lighting and Makena thought it was so fun to have another little one there to enjoy the sand with her. Lifestyle Family Photos are so fun. Here are some of my favorites!
To see more Lifestyle Family Photos check out some of these ones by Twisted Oaks Studio. Some of Emily Lucarz’s photos are also amazing! See her website here.