Step 1: Consider Your Goals
What are you trying to accomplish? You need to find your why and refer back to it often. This why will be essential on the hard days when you would rather stay in bed for just a little longer. Now is the time to think big. A why usually doesn’t have anything to do with mornings. Would you like to be a more present parent? Are you hoping to buy your dream home? Be debt-free? Make sure your why is specific and well-defined.
Step 2: Start Small and Go Slow
It is much easier to make one new change than to make 5 new changes. If you really want a successful morning routine, pick one, small thing and start with that. Acclaimed writer James Clear points out that if you focus on trying to improve by one percent each day, by the end of a year, you will have improved by 37%.
When you feel like you have truly succeeded at establishing a new habit, then it is time to make another change. Is your goal 10 minutes of meditation? Don’t be afraid to start with just 5 minutes and work your way up.
Step 3: Schedule it Out
Writing it down gives your successful morning routine an added level of accountability. Strategic planning can help you prioritize and become a high achiever. A schedule takes the decision-making out of the small things. Instead of taking time to figure out what’s next, you can move right on to the next task. For example, what will you do after you shower? Figure it out ahead of time so that you don’t have to make decisions while your body is still waking up.
Step 4: Prep for Obstacles
Everyone veers off course every once and a while. Instead of beating yourself up and abandoning hope, make a plan. What will you do when that happens? Is there anything that might prevent you from successfully establishing a new morning routine? How will you get back on the road as quickly as possible?
If American amateur golfer Francis Ouimet had quit golfing simply because he lost the U.S. Amateur Championship, we would not have seen one of the biggest upsets in golf later that month when he unexpectedly won the U.S. Open. If your goal is to do your hair in the morning, but you have a busy toddler who might wander in and interrupt, prepare an activity ahead of time that will keep them busy while you are doing your hair.
Step 5: Ask for help
To continue the golf analogy, a caddie is someone who helps a golfer on the course. They are there to carry the clubs, clean the clubs, watch the ball, and know the course well. Additionally, they provide whatever support they can so that their golfer can focus on the game rather than the other nuances associated with playing the game.
In other words, find an accountability partner! Knowing that someone is watching you is sometimes all the motivation you need to succeed. An accountability partner can cheer for you, encourage you when things get hard, and find helpful resources. Moreover, they can offer support, an outside perspective, and help you avoid procrastination.
Better yet, grab a friend and convince them to do it with you! The sense of camaraderie goes a long way in helping you to stay consistent and continue performing well. Are you trying to write in your journal each morning? Text one another once you have accomplished today’s entry.
Step 6: Prepare the night before
If you want to start and maintain a successful morning routine, it starts the night before. Would you like to wake up at a certain time? Set an alarm. Is your goal to exercise first thing? Set out your workout clothes the night before.
If you struggle to eat breakfast in the morning, try preparing it the night before (even if it’s just setting out your bowl, spoon, and cereal of choice). Again, keep in mind things that may prevent you from succeeding. Is there a certain alarm tone that you hate? Use a different one! Find one that you like so that you don’t start your day in a bad mood.
Step 7: Implement your plan
Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to simply put that first foot forward. And yet, sometimes that’s all it takes! Are you trying to drink more water? Get that first glass squared away first thing.
Don’t be alarmed initially if you experience thoughts like “I’m in over my head,” or “This is too hard, what was I thinking?” Runners will tell you that the first mile is often the hardest. It can be tough to build momentum and it takes time for your endorphins to kick in. The sooner you start, the sooner it will feel easier. Keep going! You’ve got this!
Step 8: Reward yourself
It’s time to cash in on all that hard work. Your dog loves a good treat and be honest, so do you. Rewards are a big part of our lives. For instance, we get degrees when we finish school which usually leads to higher paying employment. Rewards in the workplace, usually lead to employee retention and loyalty. Winners receive gold medals and trophies, singers receive Grammys, landing a big client could result in your next family vacation, etc etc.
The point is, that rewards are an effective tool that keeps you coming back for more! Was it your goal to make your bed every day? Buy that throw pillow you think would look great there! Did you get in a workout every day for a month? Purchase tickets to a concert you’re excited about. You deserve it!
Step 9: Be patient with yourself
Finally, if you fall off the wagon, it’s okay! If your child falls when they are learning to walk, you don’t throw insults and tell them how worthless they are so, likewise, don’t do that for yourself either! The best thing you can do is simply get back up and keep going. A successful morning routine starts with being kind to yourself.
If you need to scale back because you feel you didn’t start small enough, do it! Thus, if your goal is to wake up at 6 am, maybe all you can do in the beginning is wake up and watch funny videos on your phone. That’s okay! Skip the workout and healthy breakfast until you can maintain the habit of simply waking up at that time regularly.
Is It Worth It to Create a Successful Morning Routine?
Absolutely! A successful morning routine can reduce stress, boost your mood, and help you start the day with a sense of accomplishment. If everything else fails that day, you know that you at least started the day successfully. Start small, go slow, and give yourself some grace. You’ve got this!
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