Blog post by Loren Yarrington, Bannack Ghost Town, Bannack, Ghost Town, School House, Chapel, Old Chapel, Hotel, Old Hotel, Old Courthouse, Courthouse, Barn, Old Barn, Outhouse, Old Outhouse, wood textures, wood, textures, jail, old jail, blue sky, no clouds

It was fun to take these pictures and test out my camera’s bracketing function for the first time! I enjoyed capturing the foreground, middle ground, and background all at the correct exposures and then merging them together in Adobe Lightroom.

I wanted typography that went with my theme of “old buildings.” With the titles, I chose a typography that was easy to read that also had more of a “western” feel. I wanted the body copy to be simple and easy to read so that it would not distract from the picture or the message.

Title Font: Dust Wind

Body Font: Avenir