by Loren Yarrington | Nov 4, 2017 | Blog
Back cover on the left, Front Cover on the right: Table of Contents: Photo book Spread: Professional Page: Despite the fact that I was using an awesome tutorial from Caryn Esplin’s custom Images textbook, the front cover took me ages. I knew I wanted to use the...
by Loren Yarrington | Oct 30, 2017 | Photo, Portfolio
These pictures were some of my first attempts at using macro lens filters. It was a lot of fun! I have done macro photography before but this took it to a whole new level. It takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it you can get some amazing shots!...
by Loren Yarrington | Oct 28, 2017 | Photo, Portfolio
It was fun to take these pictures and test out my camera’s bracketing function for the first time! I enjoyed capturing the foreground, middle ground, and background all at the correct exposures and then merging them together in Adobe Lightroom. I wanted typography...
by Loren Yarrington | Oct 25, 2017 | Blog, Photo, Portfolio
I had a lot of fun with these. I did some spot removal to remove the blemishes from my husband’s (pictured with our baby girl) face. The next two pictures were done using the color replacement brush in Photoshop. The first one is the original (blueish gray shirt)....
by Loren Yarrington | Oct 22, 2017 | Photo, Portfolio
After some critique, I was able to select from among my best shots taken at Bannack for my fine art shots. All of these (except the rusty wheel) were bracketed shots that I merged using the Adobe Lightroom “photo merge” feature. After merging them I was able to bring...