Photo book: Covers, Contents, Spread, Professional

Photo book: Covers, Contents, Spread, Professional

Back cover on the left, Front Cover on the right: Table of Contents: Photo book Spread: Professional Page: Despite the fact that I was using an awesome tutorial from Caryn Esplin’s custom Images textbook, the front cover took me ages. I knew I wanted to use the...
Macro Lens Filters: My First Time!

Macro Lens Filters: My First Time!

These pictures were some of my first attempts at using macro lens filters. It was a lot of fun! I have done macro photography before but this took it to a whole new level. It takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it you can get some amazing shots!...
Bannack: Themed Series: Old Buildings

Bannack: Themed Series: Old Buildings

It was fun to take these pictures and test out my camera’s bracketing function for the first time! I enjoyed capturing the foreground, middle ground, and background all at the correct exposures and then merging them together in Adobe Lightroom. I wanted typography...
Bannack: Fine Art

Bannack: Fine Art

After some critique, I was able to select from among my best shots taken at Bannack for my fine art shots. All of these (except the rusty wheel) were bracketed shots that I merged using the Adobe Lightroom “photo merge” feature. After merging them I was able to bring...